Soraa Press Releases
SORAA Sky Wins Prestigious LIGHTFAIR International Innovation Award
Soraa, the world leader in GaN on GaN™ LED technology and illuminator of the world’s most renowned historical buildings, museums, hotels, and luxury shops, today announces the company’s consumer-focused SORAA Sky bulb has won a LIGHTFAIR International 2017’s Innovation Award. SORAA Sky, formerly named HeliaTM, dynamically adjusts color and spectral content to promote positive affects on the body’s natural circadian rhythm, enabling a healthy, adaptive lighting experience. By starting with a full-spectrum LED source, it precisely tunes in and out the blue-light content throughout the day—just like the sun—while always providing Soraa’s beautiful white light.
“Our SORAA Sky Dynamic White bulb provides the healthiest and most beautiful LED light available,” said Jeff Parker, Chief Executive Officer of Soraa. “SORAA Sky is environmentally aware and automatically syncs to sunrise and sunset times, as well as your sleep and wake times to provide optimized lighting for your circadian health and sleep cycles. We are proud that our team’s innovation has won LIGHTFAIR International’s coveted Innovation Award.”
Unique SORAA BlueFree LED™ Technology
SORAA Sky’s lighting system recognizes that blue light is helpful in the morning, just like the sunrise, to make users feel rejuvenated and energized. During the day, museum-quality light with moderate blue light makes the surroundings come alive. In the evening, Sky bulbs have the unique ability to completely remove harmful blue emissions, but still provide soft white light (violet replaces blue light) helping both body and mind prepare for a restful night’s sleep.
Simple Configuration and Control
Customized preferences can be set through the SORAA Sky app on iOS and Android smartphones. Soraa’s bulbs communicate with each other over existing electrical wires with proven, industry-standard HomePlug® GreenPHY technology, giving the bulbs a robust, dedicated and secure connection through-out the entire home—no router required.
Upgrades are a Snap
Soraa’s modular SORAA Sky Smart SNAP system is an easy and secure path to add or upgrade Sky lighting capabilities over its lifetime – without replacing bulbs, saving both money and the environment.
The initial SORAA Sky Dynamic White + Sky Smart SNAP controls the bulbs, ensuring precisely synchronized, healthy white light 24 hours a day. The Smart SNAP module also has integrated customizable sensors that automatically turn lights on or off based on whether or not people are in the room, in addition to adjusting light levels based on ambient light from outdoors. In addition to the energy savings from LED lighting, Soraa smart sensors can save an estimated additional 30%-50% energy usage.
For more information on SORAA Sky, please visit http://www.soraahome.com or see it for yourself Soraa’s LIGHTFAIR International 2017 booth (#3125).